Everyday in Georgia and elsewhere we see that many companies from consumer food industries emphasize two main points: that their products are 100% natural (bio, ecologically clean) and that they are local. In Georgia lots of consumers also think that "local" automatically means "healthy, natural" in the sense of what "organic" means for instance in Germany.
We think that as soon as there will be several Georgian producers of labeled fruit instead of one, companies will need to offer more than just emphasizing the "local origin of their product". For this reason we ignored the "local" argument from the start and focused on quality, the real quality. We also do not just play with words like "natural" and "bio" without a relevant test report to prove it.
As a sign of our approach, we took samples of our kiwifruit to an accredited lab, had a test done, and published it on our Facebook fan page as well as on Facebook pages of "Made in Georgia" and Georgian business news programme.
Here is the copy of test report which shows that value of nitrates in our kiwifruit is about 5 times less than allowed and pesticides are so low that they are practically undetectable. We will keep doing these tests continuously, and focus on quality so that customers know they can trust our product.