Many companies claim that they are consumer oriented but then when you look at their product, the quality and the user experience is not what you expected. We have an impression that firms, whose products are 80% good, try to engage in various PR, charity sponsorship, reality shows to "hide what's missing". We are not that sort of company and we rather invest in product improvement than in advertising of not yet perfect product.
let us clearly state what is consumer orientation for Nergeta: 100% through quality of product and quality of experience our product gives to each consumer. Let us give a simple example: if any consumer buys 100 pieces of our fruit anywhere in Georgia, any time in sales season(weather in January, March or May), every single fruit should be without defects and no consumer should have reason to say that out of 100 fruits even one of them was different.
This is what we do to achieve such 100% satisfaction: every single kiwifruit, before shipping to the market, is hand checked by our resorting unit at the pack house. So, we sort kiwifruit twice: once, when we buy it from growers and then again before selling it. Between buying and selling there are numerous operations which consist of many nuances and our employees are taught how to take care of them. As an example, our employees do not throw kiwifruit into carton boxes on a sorting table, they put them gently with labeled side faced up.
let us clearly state what is consumer orientation for Nergeta: 100% through quality of product and quality of experience our product gives to each consumer. Let us give a simple example: if any consumer buys 100 pieces of our fruit anywhere in Georgia, any time in sales season(weather in January, March or May), every single fruit should be without defects and no consumer should have reason to say that out of 100 fruits even one of them was different.
This is what we do to achieve such 100% satisfaction: every single kiwifruit, before shipping to the market, is hand checked by our resorting unit at the pack house. So, we sort kiwifruit twice: once, when we buy it from growers and then again before selling it. Between buying and selling there are numerous operations which consist of many nuances and our employees are taught how to take care of them. As an example, our employees do not throw kiwifruit into carton boxes on a sorting table, they put them gently with labeled side faced up.
Then, we just do not ship to market the fruit which does not have minimum 12% of sugar and maximum hardness of 2kgf. These two parameters make our consumer experience easy and tasty: cutting and slicing kiwifruit with less than 2kgf is easy and serving it with minimum sugar content of 12% is enjoyable.
We place so much importance on the quality because we think that nothing can be more assuring for our survival and profitability than hundreds of thousands of consumers who believe in our quality "even without any advertisement".
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